07 September 2005

It's Frosh Week, Kids!

Even in my little enclave at the top of the adminstration building, the sound of overeager teenagers reached my ears today at work. It's Frosh Week at universities all across the land. I smiled benificently at all the kidlets across campus yesterday, out collecting money for charity, all the while discussing their strategies for getting to the liquor store later with a 19-year-old friend in tow to make the requisite illicit purchases. Ah...has it really been fifteen Septembers since I left my parents' home for my own Frosh Week festivities? Yeerks.

Got my new office space reasonably sorted out today, all to the strains of a soundcheck out on the lawn in front of my building (some sort of open-air gig there tonight). I've just moved down the hall, away (happily) from the eagle eye of the Big Boss. It's quite a nice space, with a big sunny window. Now all I need is a plant or two and something to hang on the walls, to replace the earnest photographs of people in developing nations (!) which are hanging there now....

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