16 October 2005

Je suis un danceur

Eh, well...not really. But I did go back to Dal Dance today. I had planned to try something different this term, after last year's ballet classes, but it didn't work out (bellydance massively oversubscribed; jazz being taught by rather snotty 'dancer-girl' type).

So I put myself on the waiting list to go back to beginner ballet, and finally was able to join the class today. Luckily, I've only missed three classes so far, and given that I did it last year, I didn't have any problems catching up.

Except physical ones, of course. Having sat on my arse all summer and taken a break from my usual exercise routine, my joints creaked and groaned throughout the class (which - dishearteningly - is almost entirely composed of lithe 18- to 21-year-olds). Felt much better afterwards, but really must dust off pilates and yoga videos and start moving again. You'd think the twenty miles I walk per week would be enough, but while it may be good for the ol' ticker, it's clearly not doing much for my strength or flexibility - as I discovered this afternoon.

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