27 November 2005

Secrets and Smoothness

Finding a beauty-related product that actually does what it says on the tin (as they say) is such a rare occurrence these days that when it happens, you feel the need to spread the word.

Yes ladies, I'm talking about the prickly subject of hair removal. (And if this subject constitutes Too Much Information for you, you'd best look away now.)

I've been thinking for quite a while about trying an epilator, as an alternative to waxing. But I didn't know if they were any good, and was put off buying one by both the rather high price, and fears that it would be painful. There's nothing worse than paying a lot of money for something that gets used once before being relegated to a drawer somewhere.

Well, recently I found this one at a bargain price, and decided to give it a go. And lo - it is truly a thing of wonder. Quite easy to use, and far quicker, less painful and less messy than waxing. And so effective. When I read in the instructions that it removed hair as short as 0.02 inches, I scoffed. But it's true! And let me tell you, it's amazing.

I'm totally impressed, and converted. I think I can safely say I will never wax again. YAY!

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