15 January 2006


Just in from seeing the quite wonderful Feist at the Marquee, with A., L., and M. Very good stuff. Surprisingly, she only played 4 or 5 songs from her album (though her set was a bit short, at just over an hour). She included 'Inside and Out', 'Gatekeeper', and 'Mushaboom' - that last one of course went down a treat with the Nova Scotia audience. Lots of new material played, which was great - she's apparently starting the recording for a new album next month.

Two rather dodgy opening acts were suffered through beforehand - though one was unintentionally hilarious...bunch of twentysomething guys singing about teen angst. Their 'best' song featured the memorable lines: "Fumbling in my pocket for a bus schedule / Pick you up at 6:12". *snorfle*

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