06 January 2006

Trinny and Susannah Sighting

Got home from work this evening and flicked on the TV, only to see Trinny and Susannah from BBC's What Not to Wear on Oprah. Now, Oprah's a twit, but Trin'n'Suz are brilliant. When I lived across the pond, their programme was essential viewing. Sadly, it's not shown in Canada, and I really miss it (cos believe me, the American version of WNTW, with those Stacy and Clinton people, just doesn't cut it). Their methods when making over women may be harsh, but the results are always stunning. I've adopted a bunch of their suggestions myself (tapered trousers, begone!), and they really do work.

1 comment:

Jonathan Crowe said...

It is shown in Canada; you just have to have digital cable or a dish. I believe it's on BBC Canada.