14 June 2006

I Want an E-Bike

I've been much preoccupied of late with the subject of e-bikes (i.e. electric bicycles). I've been doing some internet research on them, viewed a couple last Saturday at a new shop downtown, and I'm going to check out some more after work tomorrow.

Ideally, I'd love to get a new moped, like I had in Dublin. But it seems very impractical to spend that much money on a vehicle I can only use 6-8 months a year (in Ireland, of course, one can drive them year-round, cos it rarely snows or gets icy). Also, it seems extravagant when I only live two miles from my workplace. And if I gave up walking, that would be the end of my regular exercise routine.

A regular bicycle would be fine, but there's a couple of bloody big hills between me and my office - it's not the easiest cycle. So it seems like an e-bike could be the ideal solution for me. The models I'm considering look just like regular bicycles, but with a battery pack attached. The battery plugs in to an ordinary outlet, charges up in 4-6 hours, and holds a charge for anywhere from 35-50 km. As you're riding, you continue to pedal as normal (which gives the battery an extra charge), but when you encounter hills, you just twist the throttle and get a little extra boost. So I'd still be getting some exercise, but wouldn't arrive at work in the morning a big sweaty mess. Sounds perfect.

I really need to give one a go, though - I'm a bit concerned about the weight of these things, and how I'll manage. Luckily, the shop I'm going to tomorrow apparently rents e-bikes. So, if I can, I'll arrange to rent one for a week and see how I get on, before taking the plunge and buying. They're not cheap - the basic models run anywhere from $700-$1,200. But we shall see!

1 comment:

Little House, Big Love said...


I came across your blog when I was doing e-cycle searches. I'm a Dal student who is moving back to my home province. I have an e-bike that is less than one year old (I bought it last spring). It is 100% electric but is the scoter / moped style. I love it but like I said, I am moving home. Let me know if you are interested in seeing a pic or taking it for a test drive.