03 April 2007

"Hello, Life? Is That You?!?!??"

Finished teaching tonight. *collapses*

Handed out the take-home exam, which is due back this time next week - so I actually have an entire long weekend ahead with NO course-related work to do. First time that's happened since Labour Day - seriously.

I've really loved teaching this term - but I can't wait to mark the exams and be done with it. I am soooo looking forward to getting my normal life back. I figure I've put in, on average, 55-hour work-weeks since September last year. Nearly all my other interests have gone on the back burner in the interim, but thankfully, that's about to change.

One of the first things I jettisoned from my schedule last autumn were recreational classes, so I've happily signed up to go back to yoga this spring - starting that on Thursday night. I'm also anticipating some dance classes this summer - just waiting for the uni dance society to announce their new schedule. I'd love to go back to bellydance again, as it's been a year now since I last did that (and the lovely hip scarf and veil I made for myself have been gathering dust).

Quite excited about what the next few months will bring, I must say. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Start spreadin' the news... we're leavin' in May... we want to shop each part of it...