14 April 2007


Today, A. brought more visitors home from the clinic - a cat and her five, three-day-old kittens.

This cat's owners brought her in to the clinic about two weeks ago, to be spayed. At that time, A. discovered she was pregnant - but the cat's owners didn't want to deal with kittens. So A. agreed to house mother and kittens until the babies are weaned and he can re-home them (at that time, mother will go back to her owners).

As there's some respiratory infections going around the clinic at the moment, A. wants to keep them all here, at our place. We'll see how we get on with that - our house isn't exactly cat-proofed - but in the meantime, the babies are tiny, helpless and adorable. I made a little video of them, for posterity:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG. OMG! FIVE kittens for, what, two months?! You will never be the same again! (And put all the china up on the highest shelves!)