03 January 2008

New Year, New Podcasts

I've been amping up my podcast listening over the past few months. With my daily commute, there's over an hour every day during which there's not much for me to do except listen to my iPod. Music's a wonderful thing, of course, as are audiobooks - but I've been getting into podcasts more and more recently. There's a lot of great content out there - and all for free!

So far, I've subscribed to the following - check 'em out:

CBC Radio: Dispatches (global current events - lots of fun and fascinating stories)
CBC Radio: The Best of Ideas (occasionally a bit too highbrow, but generally a great in-depth series on contemporary thought)

BBC History Magazine (pop history, obviously - though reasonably well-done; sometimes a little too heavy on militaria for my taste)

Guardian Unlimited Music Weekly (UK content: perfect for music pseuds like me, delivering just enough info to enable me to pass myself off as a hipster)
New York Times Music Popcast (as above; US content)

New Yorker: Out Loud (since I don't always have time for the print version)
New Yorker: Comment (ditto)

The British Library (a little esoteric at times, but pretty solid nonetheless)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (great introductions to past and current exhibitions)
Victoria & Albert Museum (wonderful podcast series from my favourite museum, which sadly seems to have been discontinued for the time being)

New York Times Essential Knowledge Podcast (for my inner trivia geek)


Anonymous said...

I go back and forth on Podcasts. While I usually like them, mostly because I have a long commute as well, sometimes I just get tired of listening to people talk. The Guardian podcast is great, though, especially for the hipster crowd. Sometimes it makes me want to keep driving past my exit and get off at a hotel and jump around like the crazy monkey's or toilet paper myself and scare the crap out of the cleaning ladies (as shown in the following videos:
http://www.roomforyourimagination.com , specifically rooms 222, 223, and various other ones. They're so hilarious--I know, 'cause I work with Cambria Suites so I have the inside scoop and had to share it with you). I'm gonna check out a few of the other podcasts you suggested. Can't wait! Thanks for the post!

J. said...

Thanks for your comment! :-)