29 January 2008

RIP The Book Room

Awww...The Book Room in downtown Halifax is going out of business. Which is a damned shame, as it is apparently the oldest bookstore in the country, having been in business since 1839.

As one of the few remaining independent, general-interest bookstores in the city, I've tried to patronise The Book Room as much as possible in recent years. But perhaps inevitably, it just couldn't continue to compete with the likes of Chapters and Amazon. For instance, A. used to buy his clinic's book stock through The Book Room. But while prices were favourable, it became a real hassle for him to get downtown during business hours and find parking, in order to pick them up. Reluctantly, he started ordering from Amazon instead, so that the books would be delivered directly to the clinic, by post.

I'll have to drop in to the shop, before it closes.

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