09 April 2008


I am playing nursemaid for the next few days. This evening A. had laser surgery on his eyes, so he won't have to wear glasses anymore. Presently the patient is resting and wearing a large pair of Ray Charles-esque disposable shades, which are pretty funny.

I've thought many times about having the same procedure myself. It would be amazing to wake up in the morning, open my eyes, and be able to see clearly without having to fumble for my specs on the bedside table. But I'm not ready to take the plunge just yet. My glasses have been part of who I am for so long that I think I'd feel kinda weird without them. Plus, as I've said before, you don't need a degree in rocket science to realise that zapping your eyeballs with laser beams is possibly not the greatest idea.


Jennifer said...

How are A.'s eyes doing? I had mine done about 9-10 years ago and have NEVER regretted it!

I didn't have any problems with dryness or blurred vision and yes, it IS wonderful to wake up and be able to see right away!

J. said...

I didn't know you'd had your eyes done too! Glad it worked out so well - hope A.'s will too. He is doing pretty well, with very little discomfort. Mostly he's enjoying a rare break from work (he was advised to allow 5 days for healing).

Maybe I will go for it after all, one of these days. Once I've saved the dosh, of course!