23 September 2005

It's Friday Night...

...and what am I doing? Playing with LibraryThing, of course. I know this makes me an irredeemable geek, but I refuse to be ashamed, damn it.

So. Thus far, I've catalogued the contents of my 'to read' shelf. Apparently, there's some sort of widget you can add to your blog, showing what you've added most recently, what you're currently reading, etc., etc. Must investigate that. In the meantime, here's a link to my catalogue as it currently stands. I do not post this information lightly. I have always considered the composition of people's personal libraries (or worse - lack thereof) to be highly revealing indicators of character and personality. So, Dear Reader, consider yourself privileged for this glimpse into my literary psyche. ;-)

*EDIT* 26 September - HTML manipulated; widget now up and running in my sidebar - whoohoo!