22 September 2005

LibraryThing...Where Have You Been All My Life?

Holy hell...lookit what I just found. It's a site called LibraryThing, where one can catalogue one's books online! Imagine! I'm going to have a go RIGHT NOW and test the site with a sample from my collection.

The mere prospect of such a thing has me all aflutter. I think I know what I'll be doing this weekend - intensively channelling my inner nerd. YAY!!!


Jonathan Crowe said...

Have you not tried Delicious Library? It's what I use for my book-cataloguing geekery.

J. said...

Er, no - d'ye reckon it's better than LibraryThing?

Tim said...

Delicious Library is very good at what it does—catalog books and show their covers on a virtual shelf of absolutely exquisite graphical beauty. Since it only uses Amazon, however, it doesn't "know" as much about your books, and it's all on your desktop, not available to others. One advantage DL has is that it integrates with the Apple iSight camera, allowing you to bar-scan material. Then again, you can import DL records into LT, so you don't really have to choose. My $.02 anyway.

J. said...

Thank you for your comments, LibraryThing! I'm really impressed with the site so far. And I think, given my purist preference for Library of Congress over Amazon (any plans to bring the British Library catalogue into play in future, btw?), and my present lack of an iSight webcam, I'll be sticking with LibraryThing. :-)

Jonathan Crowe said...

You can import Delicious Library data into LibraryThing?


*sound of running*