16 September 2005

You Mean...Strangers Read This?!?

Although I know it happens, I'm always completely gobsmacked when I find out that people with whom I have no connection occasionally read what I post online. Usually, I find out via comments and emails from said readers. But last evening I came across Feedster, a search engine for blogs (which is likely to be eclipsed now that Google has launched their own blog search function). And I discovered (yeah yeah...I'm sure this is nothing new) this neat little thing called a link search. Basically, you enter in the address of your blog, personal website, online photo album, or whatever - and you get back a list of who is linking to you.

So in a fit of intellectual vanity, I typed in the address of this blog, expecting to see just the usual suspects (I'm talking to you,
McWetboy). But lo and behold, this person here linked to a post I made a few months ago, about a PBS documentary on higher education.

Weird! Kinda cool though.

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