08 October 2005

Adventures in Dildo

I was tickled to see this fun article in the NYT travel section the other week - a bit of reportage from the rather wonderful Carrie Fisher, on her recent trip to Dildo, Newfoundland. She had a larf, by the sounds of it.

And why wouldn't she? Over the years, while chatting with travelled acquaintances, Dildo has often been mentioned (and snickered over) when the subject of oddly-named places comes up. When it does, I do so enjoy playing my little trump card. See, I've not only been to Dildo, but some of my forebears hail from there. My mother's mother's family, specifically - though she herself left for Toronto at a young age. But there are still plenty of cousins there. My great-grandmother, 'Aunt' Marion Gosse (who passed away just a few years ago at the venerable age of 103), lived all her life in Dildo. And all of us in the family descended on her in the summer of 1997 to celebrate her 100th birthday.

Yep...a good time in Dildo was had by all.

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