09 October 2005


Well, in typical Maritime fashion, it's a miserable Thanksgiving day outside (it's been chucking it down since yesterday morning). So, not a bad day to fire up the oven. We're having the in-laws round this afternoon, for the usual turkey feast. A. always took it upon himself to cook for our Canadian friends for each of the Thanksgivings we spent in Ireland, so he's an old hand with this sort of thing now.

To wit, today's Bill of Fare:

Butternut Squash Soup with Garlic Croutons
: : :
Roast Turkey with Chestnut and Apple Stuffing
Roast Potatoes
Mashed Turnips
: : :
Pumpkin Pie

Luckily, there's been some division of labour. My mother- and father-in-law are supplying the wines, as well as a main course for my sister-in-law (who's veggie) and some homemade cranberry sauce, as we forgot to buy cranberries yesterday (and this being Nova Scotia, all the grocery stores are shut today). SIL herself has made an alternative dessert of trifle, as my FIL doesn't like pumpkin pie. The offending pie in question has been my duty today.

The house smells positively ambrosial at the moment. Family due to arrive within the half-hour; iPod has been loaded with suitable music; a suitably autumnal fire has been laid in the living room grate upstairs. And I've just opened the sherry. Let the festivities begin.

EDIT 10.05 pm: *burp* oops ;-)

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