06 November 2005

Busy Weekend

Quite a bit of activity this weekend. I've just come in from having brunch with a group of friends, one of whom is in town from Newfoundland at the moment. We went to the Victory Arms down at the Lord Nelson, and it was Eggs Benedict and mimosas all round. :-)

Friday night, I decided I needed to get a jump on my Christmas shopping and so dragged A. to the big Christmas craft and antique show over at the Forum. The stuff on offer was about eighty percent twee rubbish, as usual, but actually we did find quite a few presents for people on our collective lists. The 'antique' stalls were mostly old tat from the Fifties onwards, but I did get a bit of a bargain on a cache of lovely vintage costume jewellery. Also (because one must always buy presents for oneself at these things) I found a pile of old postcards. I winkled out the oldest ones (a half-dozen dated from 1910 to 1921), which I got for $2.50 apiece. Some of them are quite sweet, and I'll try to scan and post a few later. I've got a little collection of old postcards now, which I really must figure out how to display nicely.

Then last night, A. and I went to a play at the Neptune. We actually have season tickets this year, and this was our second show. The play was Frozen by Bryony Lavery; it was very dark (the main character was a pedophile serial killer), but very well-written and acted. Not a fun thing to watch by any means, but very worthy. I'm quite looking forward to the rest of the plays this season. Neptune always does a very good job of mixing well-known plays with the not so well-known, comedies and dramas, and a few brand-new and/or local things as well. For a small city like Halifax, it really is a remarkably good little theatre.

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