08 November 2005

Happy Birfday to Meeee

Yep, I'm 33 today. Not sure how in the hell that happened. ;-) Especially as the last birthday I remember being excited about (in a "Wow, I'm XX years old today! Kewl!" way) was my 24th.

Like every working stiff, I'm in the office today, but at least it's a beautiful day outside. Opened some cards and presents at breakfast this morning and have been sent some nice e-mail messages. It's all good. :-)

I discovered that some cool things happened on this day in history. For instance, the Louvre opened as a museum on this day in 1793. Also, Sarah Bernhardt made her debut on the New York stage this day in 1880. Furthermore, this is the 82nd anniversary of Hitler's launching of the Beer Hall Putsch - which is most definitely not a cool event, but it has one of the silliest names ever. So it's good for a birthday snicker.

**ADDENDUM, 9.00 PM**
Just in from dinner at the bistro in the Hydrostone Market. Quite a nice little restaurant - would definitely go back. I had crab cakes and veal and two glasses of red wine and coffee with a big lump of chocolatey goodness (properly called Dark and White Chocolate Cheesecake, I believe)
to finish ... mmmmmm! *pats grotesquely-distended stomach contentedly*

My birthday present from A. turned out to be a Griffin iTrip - yay! For those not in the know, the iTrip is a little FM transmitter gizmo that allows you to use your iPod in a car and broadcast through the car stereo. As he ordered it from Apple, he also took the opportunity to finally get us an AirPort card and base station (double yay!), which he's been tinkering with all evening. Not only will this allow us to broadcast music in various places through the house via the computer in the basement, but it will also facilitate the setup of a wireless Internet network. So soon, I'll be able to set up one of our laptops upstairs for my own use - which should cut down on battling with A. for keyboard time on the main computer. Good stuff all around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If anybody deserved a poem...