23 November 2005

Madge = Dance Queen

While commuting today, I listened to Madonna's new album,
Confessions on a Dance Floor. And bugger me if it isn't completely brilliant. Not a dud track on it - though weirdly enough, 'Hung Up' is maybe the weakest thing on it (why the Abba sample? It may be catchy, but when you're Madonna, why is it even necessary?). Dance music is definitely her forte and this album showcases Madge doing what she does best. Mind you, the lyrics are not amongst her finest - 'I Love New York' is especially cringey ("...I like New York / Other places make me feel like a dork", "If you don't like my attitude, then you can eff off." Erm...OK then, missus). But then, the lyrics are hardly the point. If this record doesn't make you want to move, you probably don't have a pulse.

All that said, if you don't like dance music, you'll loathe it from start to finish. Heh.

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