25 December 2005

Happy Christmas

With the in-laws today, and it's been quite nice. Present-opening was of epic proportions; it began at 8 am and didn't end till 2.30! Mind you, there was tea and breakfast and sherry in between, as well as breaks to get showered and dressed, and the taking of various phone calls from well-wishers. My in-laws are also freakishly patient people, who open gifts carefully with scissors and knives so as to re-use wrapping paper next year, etc. No joke! So that, coupled with the fact that gifts were opened one at a time and universally admired before proceeding to the next, meant that presents have taken up much of the day. Which - one must admit - is certainly not an unpleasant way to spend Christmas Day.

Dinner preparations now in full swing. A. and I have just finished our job, which is the first course - we made shrimp bisque. We're having duck for mains. Yummy!

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