16 May 2006

Bridget Jones

Got around to watching Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason last night. It was good for a few laffs, and of course the sight of Colin Firth (sporting immaculate suit and with furrowed brow) is generally always welcome.

I was quite astonished by Renee Zellweger's physical transformation in that film, though. I was one of those people very annoyed by the media's endless comments around the first Bridget Jones movie, about how RZ had "piled on the pounds", when in fact she'd gone from Hollywood stick insect to a mere size 10. But this time around, she was much bigger - or maybe the clothes were just more revealing (indeed, the true star of the film is not Ms. Zellweger herself, but rather her ample bosoms, which she presumably grew specially for the movie - heh). Still, it's always refreshing to see more normal female body types on the screen, so I'm not complaining.

Anyway, the storyline was a lot of preposterous twaddle (Bridget's stint in a Thai jail was especially ridiculous) but had some mindless fun, and is not, of course, intended to be taken very seriously. It's impossible not to like a protagonist who finishes her story with such sage philosophies as: "l truly believe that happiness is possible...even when you're 33 and have a bottom the size of two bowling balls."

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