09 July 2006

Is It Summer Yet?

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far (just above 30°C in the sunshine and humidity). It also felt like the first real day of summer. Spent quite a bit of time out on the deck, reading and doing some garden stuff. Also put the critters out on the lawn in their outdoor 'holiday home' hutch - whereupon they denuded every blade of grass within reach, the little blighters. ;-) Must be careful of that - A. will be wild if he gets back to find that his lawn has been munched down to the bare earth.

After the crummy June we've had, some good weather is way past due. The point was reinforced yesterday morning, when I went out early to the Farmers' Market to pick up some fruit, veg and flowers. The farm stand I usually patronize had signs up above the salad leaves apologising for the lack of volume, which was due to the almost non-stop rain last month. There were also notices up saying that the strawberry crop in Nova Scotia is much smaller this year (also due to the shorter, very rainy season).

So yesterday's hot, sunny weather was very welcome. And what do you know...we're back to rain again today. But the forecast is for a mostly sunny and dry week ahead, so I'm looking forward to pleasant cycling to work every day, and suppers outside on the deck.

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