05 July 2006

In My Garden - June

In all the hustle and bustle of the holiday long weekend (which mainly consisted of DIY in the house and garden, though we did get out on Saturday for a barbecue and a cruise 'round St. Margaret's Bay in my in-laws' boat), I forgot to post my garden pics for June. So, they're over here.

June seemed a little disappointing in the garden, somehow. I think it must be because May was so vibrant and colourful, with all those spring bulbs making such a striking display. Next year, I must remember to plant a few more June-flowering things, like lupins and irises. The other big thing I noticed in the garden this month is that our lilac tree did not produce anywhere near as many flowers as it did last year. Perhaps this was just a bad year for them, and next year it will return to form - I hope so, as lilacs are amongst my very favourites. A. has been giving the tree a good prune these last few weeks, also (I read recently that lilacs benefit from deadheading!). Hopefully that will also improve things.

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