29 November 2007

Memory of the World

Ever heard of an initiative called the "Memory of the World"? I hadn't, until yesterday. It's a really interesting and valuable project being spearheaded by UNESCO, which aims to publicise and preserve important library collections and archive holdings around the world. There's a committee that meets regularly to decide on what material should be added to the project's register.

I read about the project in this weekend's paper, which reported that some Canadian collections (including the Hudson's Bay Company archive) were chosen this year for the first time, for inclusion on the register. There's certainly a fascinating, global cross-section of documents that have been recognised - not just books and manuscripts, but also
audio recordings (Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, from Germany), film (The Wizard of Oz - thanks America), and material items (the Bayeux Tapestry, from France).

Very neat stuff.

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